Lets talk about yummy carbohydrates. Carbs are fuel that our bodies need for physical activity and various physiological processes that ensure proper functions of the body.

Some folks think that carbs are a bad for you food. Carbs have been linked to fat bodies.  Diets like the Atkins and South Beach are based on a low carbohydrate intake. But there is more to this discussion.

Simple carbohydrates like sugars and highly refined and processed carb like white bread, white rice, processed pastries, soda pop can and do contribute to obesity.

Carbohydrates that come in whole grains, beans, fruits and vegetables promote health. Fruits, vegetables, and whole grains have the vitamins, minerals, fiber and other phytonutrients that the body needs to be healthy. To get the highest quality, buy organic and local produce.

All carbohydrates are sugar molecules. They are either simple or complex.

Simple sugars include fructose (fruit sugar), dextrose or glucose (corn or grape sugars) and sucrose (table sugar). These digest easily and quickly. They will spike your blood sugar. This means there is usually a low blood sugar that soon follows. Most folks don’t like the feeling of having low blood sugar. You don’t feel well. You may be very hungry and will eat anything to get your blood sugar up.

Complex carbohydrates take longer to digest. This include  short grain brown rice, whole wheat, whole grains, beans and vegetables.  There is a rise in blood sugar. However it is smaller rise over a longer time period. And the “fall” in blood sugar is less.

Our bodies convert all carbohydrates into glucose. Our cells use glucose as it’s basic energy source. We need this to live, move and have our being in the physical world.

Fiber is also carbohydrate. Fiber can’t be broken down into sugar molecules and it passes through the body, undigested.

There are 2 types of fiber soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber dissolves in water. It binds fats in the intestines and eliminates them at waste. Soluble fiber helps lower bad cholesterol.

Insoluble fiber helps clean out the intestinal track. It prevents constipation and promotes regularity.

We need at least 30 grams of fiber per day. Most Americans get much less.

I like to get most of my carbs from vegetables and some from whole grains. Most recommend 5 servings of vegetables and fruit. I would suggest more like 5-7 servings of vegetables and fewer of fruit.

Choose a variety of colors because together they will have all the nutrients you need. Eat your vegetables as close to raw as you can. Round out your vegetables with small portions of whole grains like brown rice, quinoa, cous cous, barley, millet, oats, and buckwheat.

Eat your fruit instead of drinking the juice. There are less calories in the whole fruit plus great fiber. The juice will spike your blood sugar where the whole fruit will not.

I have talked a little about blood sugar today. Tomorrow I will talk about glycemic index of foods. You will be hearing more and more about this topic in the future.

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Blessings, Mary Pat

Mary Pat FitzGibbons RN MS writes on healthy weight loss and other health issues for Baby Boomer Women