Vibrant Food Vibrant Health

By Mary Pat FitzGibbons

Category: Water

Detox for Success

If you want to be healthy, you have to “detox” or get rid of the toxins that are building up in your body. There are two questions that come to my mind when I think about this statement. One question is why am I building up toxins in my body and the other is how do I detoxify?

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Chemicals and Cancer

Here is an article that was published in the New York Times about chemicals and cancer. Please read it and take heed, Dear Reader. Your health depends on it. New Alarm Bells About Chemicals and Cancer By: Nicholas D. Kristof ,...

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Health Tips to Avoid 4

Drinking a lot of water and fluids may not be good for you. Here is another tip that is generally a great health tip that you may need to avoid. Are you a person who suffers from congestive heart failure? Do you have kidney...

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