As promised here is a little blurb on wheatgrass juice.

One of the healthiest foods is wheatgrass according to Ross Bridgeford, the Alkaline Diet Expert from down under.

One serving of wheatgrass is 1 ounce of juice. The wheatgrass should be cut and juiced right in front of you. It will loose its nutrients very quickly. You can get wheatgrass juice frozen or powdered. It will loose some nutrients in the translation, but still very good for you.

Wheatgrass has 90+ minerals. Minerals like potassium, calcium, magnesium and sodium are very alkalizing. Our bodies tend to be very acidic because of the high sugar, processed foods and caffeine Americans eat and the stress we experience daily. The acid environment contributes to all the chronic diseases we experience like cancer, heart disease, diabetes and auto immune diseases.

One serving of wheatgrass (1 ounce) is equal to 2 pounds 3 ounces of leafy greens. That is a lot of servings of vegetables! So much for my 2 cups of kale. It doesn’t come close. It has 19 amino acids which are needed for protein.

Wheatgrass has more vitamin C found in oranges and vitamin A found in carrots. It is also a good source of vitamins B, E, and carotene.  It builds red blood cells from the chlorophyll in the plant. The red blood cells do many things. The important one is carrying oxygen to every cell in the body. The more you optimize the body’s oxygen levels you fight off smog, carbon monoxide and increase your exercise endurance.

Wheatgrass will help detox the body. Vitamins B, C, E and carotene will eliminate the free radicals and clean the cells/body. (The Wheatgrass Book by Wigmore). It will also clean blood, organs and the gastrointestinal tract.

I have a story about that. In some cases, more is not better. My son went to a local health food store near our house. He was excited to find out that they served fresh wheatgrass juice. He bought one. Now he had never had wheatgrass before. The clerk was also new at this and served him an 8 ounce glass. He barely made the half mile trek home when he had a massive emptying of his GI tract. Then he had to sleep for awhile. Lesson for all. So remember the serving is 1 ounce.

Wheatgrass is high is saponin. Saponin supports the lymphatic system which is key in detoxifying the body. Wheatgrass juice works to eliminate hardened mucous and decaying fecal matter along the gastrointestinal tract.

Wheatgrass is a complete protein. It is very high in amino acids (19 of them) which is important for cell growth and regeneration.

This juice will help protect you from diseases. It is an immune booster. It is anti-bacterial. It can protect the body against carcinogens in food and environment. It supports and detoxifies the liver.

Consider wheatgrass as part of your daily diet. The best bet is to grown and juice wheatgrass yourself. If you can find a juice bar that does it in front of you, go for it. I buy a frozen wheatgrass juice for my use. You can also get powdered juice. Make sure it is organic, and it is powdered juice not the plant. I should be dehydrated not heat dried as it will lose all of the benefits. It should be wheatgrass along no other additives.

Here is to your health! Who knew?! 🙂

P.S.: for some reason I can’t set the hyper link tonight. Ross Bridgeford’s blog is: